True Believers: Two Media Democrats Admit That 'Mass Attention' Was Lost To Their Adversary, Did Not Admit That 'Threat To Democracy' Was Their Ploy That Was Too Abstract
In The End They Mention 'Attention' & 'Trump' But Dispense Of Their Claim About Protecting The Economic & Social Best Interests Of All Americans
‘Strange Bed Fellows’ never ask about ‘who’ their partners are cheating with.
I like ‘muckraking journalism’. It does not matter if they are ‘right or left’. I use them to observe their targeting. From this I do my own research, informed by their target selection.
I notice that my icon of ‘Progressive Muckraking’, ‘Democracy Now’ has compromised itself. Out of 5 issues, for example, that speak to their ‘Progressive Charge’ - if one of them would force them to make unilateral indictments against their preferred ‘Progressive/Democratic Party’ incumbent - and does not afford them the opportunity to spin the issue into an attack on their ‘White Right Wing Enemy’ - they will always demote the issue, in favor another issue on the list.
[Example - Israel vs Gaza: The ‘Right Wing-lead’ Israeli government was the antagonist, not the bomb-supplying Biden Administration.]
Don’t worry - my analysis is not compromised by partisanship. [Note there is also a ‘racial tribal’ compromise in the same way, but I will stick to the top level predator - Ideology & Party]
On the right-wing side, their muckraking is around ‘Religious Nationalist Jingoism’.
While Pat Robinson’s “Christian Broadcasting Network” has been the bellwether of ‘wholesome American values' - they make it clear that their ‘Republican-lite’ bias is necessary to fend off the ‘apostate social demons’ of change, that always seem to find a home in the Democratic Party.
But wait!! Recall the list of ‘White Right Wing Conservative’ preachers, whose marriages were on the rocks, the ‘first lady’ wanting a divorce - but the church council warning: “We love you pastor, you are a good man & good leader - but you know the rules: If a man gets divorced he is no longer fit for the pulpit”. [Rev Charles Stanley & wife -for example]
Well, fast forward to Trump - a twice divorced man who is married to ‘money & power’, and rather secular - despite a few ‘Never Trumpers’ in the 2016 Republican Primary - when it came to do battle against their Progressive Secular adversaries - they chose to be a lot less doctrinaire:
The Ends Justified The Means - with Trump and the ‘Right Wing Religious Nationalists’.
‘A Threat To Democracy’ Lost. Now We Admit That Our Team And Our Enemy Are Both About ‘The Spectacle’ - THE BREAD & CIRCUSES ATTENTION SPAN
I have posted multiple times on Ezra Klein’s social media feed:
“You are a smart guy. Your product more often than not rises above the ‘mud’ seen in most social media poop fights. But your ‘partisan end game’ blinds you from doing wholesale analysis of the ‘game & playing field’ , rendering you as a ‘partisan coach’ for your team - as you mostly study opposition films’.
My frustration with ‘white intellectual secular progressives’: They do dogged study of their ‘White Right Wing Christian Nationalist Adversaries’ and coordinate it as a narrative in an omni-channel feature. But when it comes to their ‘Black Allies’ who do the very same thing: exploit their congregation by compromising their own ‘sacred institutions’. (churches, the academy [K-12 and universities are discrete - along with platformed academics - who may or may not be active teaching staff], media sources, and histrionics - {note this word is actually derived from ‘hysteria’ but I am using it to mean ‘History’ used as a weapon ]
If you notice the title of Ezra Klein’s podcast - he mentions ‘Democrats’ and focuses on the stage actor named ‘Donald Trump’. In scrutinizing the content of the podcast with Comcast employee Chris Hayes - they both have abandoned the notion out their goal being the ‘betterment of America via the build up of all Americans’. They simply are studying how their adversary ‘Out Frauded The Congregation On Stage’ with a more effective clown show.
The 2020 Post Election Vs 2024: The Peaceful Yield To ‘Hitler’
Breyonna Joy Grey give a brilliant quip about how the election- time talking point about ‘Trump Being Hitler’ was supplanted after the election with: “See we Democrats believe in ‘Peaceful Transition Of Power’ after the elections”.
This gave voice to the irony: Were you lying to your people ‘then’ (during the ‘Election/ Radiation Treatment’ session) - or are you lying now?
This summarizes my problem with people like Ezra Klein - on the left , and the entire political system - right wing included (Christian Nationalist Purists - who are merely compromised).
Their lack of respect for their respective congregation - motivates them to spew narratives - aligned with the ‘American Election / Radiation Treatment’ period - necessary to create ‘Plasma’. [I learned yesterday more details of the 4th state of matter - plasma - is merely the gaseous state that is bombarded with energy - causing subatomic explosions and a chaotic energy state].
For me, this discussion was a surveillance camera cast upon two members in the ‘War Room’. While both sides plot to control the minds, the fears, the hopes and the hatreds of their respective congregation by doing what is in balance - Opposition Research and Slander - [see the title of this blog] - they revealed, quite succinctly that their actual goal is ‘GROUP MIND CONTROL’. (and I am not mad at them).
None of them admit………….”on behalf of whom’ and to ‘what ultimate end’?
This is my argument.
If your entire milieu is only about ‘domestic ideological warfare’ , done in the confines of ‘American political, cultural, commercial entertainment and sexual norms definition’ - then - it seems to me that VICTORY - the total eradication of your enemy’s position - and thus you no longer have a ‘boxing partner’ and seasonal games - to harvest valuables from your congregation —— is the destruction of your franchise.
De-Word-Saladification summary: If you ‘win’ the battle that you sold your congregation upon - then they lose’ , if you failed to build up substance in their lives - beyond this staged battle. Once they attempt to tap into your ‘lack of substance’ - only at this time will they realize they have been exploited.
If the ‘Dallas Cowboys’ go out of business - never to play again - this is not ‘a victory’ for their nemis - “The NY Giants” or the “Washington Commanders” - for their own tickets sales will plummet , due to loss of a worthy competitor to draw the crowd.
At the end of the day Ezra Klein and Sean Hannity are both ‘professional coaches’ in a league, segmented the hopes for victory in a new season (elections or NFL season). Their goal is to keep their congregation focused on ‘Opposition Research’, while ill-informed over what I say:
While ‘All teams include watching Opposition Films’ in their practice, post-game analysis of their own play and in preparation for their next content
No Championship team has ever ‘won’ ,with an over-reliance of Opposition Research and the emotional charge that slander synergizes on their own team
The ‘Bread & Circuses’ distributors will never tell their team: “OK, you have ingested enough high fructose corn syrup laced bread - I now need you to work individually on your discernment - so people like me cannot exploit you at the expense of your own Permanent Interests’