Human Organizational Behavior - The Same Framework For 'Societal Change' Is The Means To Attack Your 'Societal Adversary' By Pointing To Excesses Permitted By The 'Org Chart'
"Evil {Injustice} Is What Is 'Looked Past' To Save The Face Of The Entity That 'True Believers' Vest Their Hopes For Change In, Only To Be The Source Of Corruption"
How did I get here (see the video documentary below)?
I try to key my eye on as many facets (viewpoints) in the ‘Societal Factional Gangwar’.
Though I find it easier to be conceptually aligned with some threads of beliefs over others, I find more value in observing for standard ‘patterns and practices’ found in common, across the board:
That’s it.
As individual humans - we are flawed.
Assign a group of humans into a cause, an organization - and you will see ‘systematic flaws’.
Opposition research (in the age of social media) servers as a clearinghouse of indictments against ‘the bundle of thoughts’ of the enemy - and then thanks to ‘fair use’ policies - other ‘YouTubers’ will feed upon the carcass in the water once they smell blood.
“Christian Nationalism” versus “Liberation Theology” - And The Long Tail Of ‘Strange Bedfellows’ Who Ride Along The Tails Of These Two Comets
I am of the view that: Daily, ‘the world’ gives us new events and imprints that various interested parties can interpret and relay - in support of their own narrative, to a specific ‘congregation’ via a syndication source.
Instead of ‘my truth’, it is more accurate to say: There are multiple ‘viewpoints’ seeing affirmation with a new set of ‘chum feeding’.
While I watch various ‘political Christian’ YouTube channels railing against ‘apostate’ preachers who bring ‘secularism and politics’ in the pulpit - I also admit: many of these shows are also shills for their respective (political) party.
“No”, it is not a coincidence that ‘your party’ is more aligned with (either) ‘biblical scripture, properly interpreted’, or that ‘Jesus is love’, so you use this used to tailgate other concepts upon Jesus’ cloak.
Since my goal is identifying patterns - I ultimately surmount being caught by partisan cheerleading, as both extremes are informative - as they point me to see the ‘hot button issues’ that are bantered between them - like a ‘crowd surfing casket’ at a Persian funeral gathering for the Ayatollah: “Watch to see the body fall out due to rough handling by the masses”.
Christian Nationalism: “Ungodly secular forces are gaining footholds into our key societal entities {academic, entertainment, governmental, sporting} and ‘we’ must use our ‘godly framework’ to counter them, scaling ‘our church principles’ into a guide for the ‘nation state’
Liberation Theology: “Forces of historical oppression, are revealing their ‘ugly head’, condemning the freedoms and progress that we have made for vulnerable groups {women, racial minorities, sexual identities, and the poor}. We must take our mantle of ‘Love’ and push back upon these forces that operate under the guise of Patriarchal / hierarchal norms, as their greenlight to keep all who disagree with them smashed under their totalitarian boot”
What we have here, folks, is a ‘cosmically conjoined mind meld’, either of whom would self-partition to fill the void if and when ‘the standing enemy’ were to depart from their battle field, upon which their ‘framing’ is defined.
Think about it.
For a long time I have countered ‘political nationalism’ by suggesting that each offended (left /right) faction ‘return to their respective fortress’ and show evidence of their competency to produce real world outcomes - in the spaces where they have successfully purged their enemy.
Since it is clear that they merely feed upon the resistance of their enemy - that ‘nationalist [cosmic] expansion - to the fissure where ‘the enemy’ resides - is an unspoken admission of their incompetence at governance where they are ‘all alone’ in possession to the ‘keys to the kingdom’. The need to expand and exploit their loyal plebes as foot soldiers , is not evidence of an ‘enemy threat’ that registers on the ‘threat radar’ of each class of people within their ranks (equally), but instead this resides at the ‘human / group psychology’ level - where - absent ‘battle action against an enemy’ the respective flock will go one of two undesirable ways:
Self-Indulgently Passive - disconnected from ‘political purpose’ , yet venereal-ly infected , as their conquests are made more self consuming and dysfunctional
A Radical Revolution Inside Of The Local Fortress - A revolutionary spirit is innate among the human, the ‘direction’ that these revolutionary spirits blow - is the job of a ‘movie set’ fan - that gives the illusion of wind in the rain scene.
The ironic point: Regardless what each {fraud} side believes about themselves:
[Despite what the anti-hiearchy/patriarchy operatives say]: There will always be a hierarchy of ‘command and control’ - narrative engineering from ‘among high’ , dispatched and reenforced upon the masses below - with the ‘professional managerial class’ as the gateway through which ‘the establishment elite’ (funding source) has their way
[Despite what the ‘we were all made in the image of God’ operatives say]: The individual, made in ‘God’s image’ must also submit himself to the whims of the ‘in the world’ command and control system generals - so that the ‘ordered society’ that seek to manifest in the world, against the forces of anarchy - never produces the insurgents - break ranks and ‘Snitch’ about the human perversions that were not controlled within the ranks - despite the general’s assurance that ‘the spirits of human lusts’ have been exorcised out of the organization
Executive Summary Of Above: Watch Your Enemy’s Organization And Expose Their Human-Level Fraud - As Your Military Attrition Strategy. Their ‘reputation’ being soiled in the minds of your congregation is more important than your own capability at ‘soil stain prevention’ within your own ranks
For Our Daughters - ‘Use The Failed Adjudication Of Female Sexual Abuse’ By Males Within An Organization To Affirm Your Larger Claims Of Corruption Against Your Enemy’s Societal Agenda
{Sorry for rambling - as I build the foundation for my argument}
Robert Jones = “White Too Long” - how I exited the ‘White Christian Evangelical’ movement and turned ‘states evidence’ against their diabolical scheme.
I observe the ‘Anti White Christian Evangelical Movement’, as they are the face of ‘the enemy’ of the ‘Christian Nationalist Movement” {which also has its own identitarian factions [white, black, etc].
It is no surprise to see Rev Jim Wallis on the same stage as Jones, along with MSNBC/Princeton’s Dr Eddie Glaude Jr.. ‘Religion/Christianity’ is merely a template through which each of them disguise their agenda: ‘the control over people in the society via the institutions they wrest control over…..from the enemy’
I self identify as a ‘Christian’ , challenging my Islamic friends who are critical: “Convince me of a better philosophy for living a life in alignment with God’s will - and your journey for self-discovery and societal impact - and I am open to change —- [but ‘your attacks and slander’ as a means of insurgency via social media is not the way to ‘win me over’].
I am also well aware of ‘human & group psychology’.
There is not and will never be a ‘perfect institution’ created and governed by ‘the human’ that is above reproach. As we have learned, time and time again (Penn State football - Joe Paterno & Sandusky, US Womens’ gymnastic trainer/physician, Catholic Priest scandals): “When you allow a pervert to remain within your rank”……believing your internal discipline can curtail the behavior of a ‘defective cog’ —— be not surprised when external eyes - not so engaged in ‘organizational self-indulgence’ and narrative protection - exposes the system of corruption - by putting a spotlight on the powerless victims - and your reputation and your organizational wallet is depleted
I watched “For Our Daughters”, expecting this to be a takedown of the foundation of the voices who claim to want to restore the ‘God Fearing Nation’.
Instead it was the classical: “An organization run by men, can be taken out by highlighting sexual abuse and the failed adjudication therein” story.
I AGREE: That predator that the organization {and the complicit parents} allowed to be ‘alone’ with a known predator within their ranks - has not been 'changed’ through prayerful restoration. He was merely ‘caught’.
More importantly, the organizational governing body, who. constructed ‘internal disciple and ‘correction’ - abused their own ‘command and control’ relationship with the congregation - as they vetted the predator and proclaimed: “he has repented”.
Let’s be honest - finding sexual abuse among men with power - from P’Ditty, to Trump to Clinton or a preacher - is easy - like the proverbial ‘shooting into the barrel’. The imbalance of power - and a weak intermediary - empowered to ‘tell this man’: “Our commonwealth [organization] is more important than the stimulation of your libido - by a human sacrificial lamb - so we are going to step in and keep you from your own proclivities”
Charge it to ‘the game’.
When I refer to “Money / Power / Mass Influence” as the agenda for all of these political organizations - it also references the consequences that are produced:
These narratives were imprinted in the minds of the ‘congregation’ members
This Idol worship (as referenced in the video) also creates an opportunity to exploit a person who has allowed their core vulnerability (their spiritual zone) to be opened by this platformed person
Knowing these facts about ‘human & group psychology’ - that same entity that manifests the ‘harvesting of their flock’ for an ulterior motive …..
must also practice ‘Organizational Hygiene” in how it adjudicates malfeasance within
OR ELSE be subject to the deeds of ‘the adversarial group’ who wants to expose the enemy for who they are.
I told you: “I prefer Muckraking / Adversary Journalism’ as a necessary means of ‘managing toward justice”. - so my ‘ideological alignment or disagreement’ with any of these factions - takes a back seat to a world where ‘critical opposition is suppressed’. [Absolute Power Corrupts - Absolutely]
Though I comment on the social media narrators from the left / right / black / white / gay / straight adherents - challenging them to ‘abstract’ their critical arguments (against their enemies) in order to condense ‘a rule of behavior’ that all sides can agree upon - it is folly - as I have learned over time.
Their goal is ‘combat against the external enemy’ and not ‘self-governance of the ‘land they already have possession of’.
So the only recourse for organizational self-governance - lead by the congregation is to borrow from the John Grisham movie: “A Time To Kill”, turn to the ‘congregational jury box’ and ask them: “What has possessed you so, that you put your own vulnerable daughters & sons into the hands of predators who made you believe ‘the organizational mission against THE EXTERNAL ENEMY, is more important than expunging the predators that your leadership allowed to lurk within, scouting out. a new target among the hatchlings - but allowing inter-generational curses from psychological abuse to go forward - setting us the situation where your ‘church offerings’ will be captured by a class action lawsuit from a personal injury attorney - who does not care about individual abuse, but only tying it to a deep pockets organization?”
[What did I just say: The irony that ‘individual abuse’, considered in a certain context [assault on a public street, versus assault inside of a grocery store that should have provided security to protect its clientele ‘ - is the evidence the assumed ‘protectorate’ (the organization) is ultimately responsible for the outcomes expressed in its protected space.
We are merely debating: What entity made the people believe their own agency for ‘self-protection’ has been handed off to this ‘deep pocket entity’ - merely because another ‘individual soul’ chose to do predation in a space that attracted the prey - like a multi-species watering hold in the savannah - with crocodiles within and wildcats on the shoreline - all seeking self-perpetuation via water consumption and protein consumption at the hands of another being who was practicing the same - prior to being bitten and ingested.